Reflections and new adventures!

Reflections and new adventures!

Where do you start to write about personal reflections on what 2020 has meant individually? It would be impossible to cover all the different experiences that we all have had. For some it has been extremely challenging. Some of us have lost loved ones, for many it has brought a needed rest. Whereas some saw their business thrive, others succumbed into the uncertainty of the future. I can only hope for each of you that things settle down. That you are able to look back, find hope and positive reflections of the past year. There is a lesson that COVID-19 had to bring all of us globally and personally; it is up to us to find the meaning behind it and embrace the lessons.

As for myself, it has been a journey that has brought changes starting way before the pandemic hit the world. It has given me the perfect time to dive in into astrological studies! Since the summer of 2020 I have embarked on the study of the Language of the Sky – to become an astrologer.

“When you don’t follow your nature there is a hole in the universe where you were supposed to be.”

Dane Rudhyar   

A period of spiritual calm, a sort of hibernation before re-emerging, like a bear in the winter time sparing the energy for giving birth and keeping the precious life of her cubs, until the Spring Equinox comes in the Northern Hemisphere. A perfect time in my journey to go back to the surface: on today’s New Moon in Pisces – time of new beginnings, calm, emotional, imagination, dreams, creativity and magic!

My blog would be evolving along with me, moving to a different content and perspective:  from the inside to the outside. Skincare is something I continue to enjoy as part of my personal care. The focus from now on will be about personal growth. As my astrological knowledge expands, it is my vision to offer you inspiration, guidance and understanding of our adventures on this Earth. I hope it inspires you too!

Welcome to the Cosmos and let it be the compass that lights our beautiful journey!

Much love and blessings to you all,

Adriana  Xx

P.S. The beautiful artwork featured is by the talented Lisa McLoughlin. The image is called: Calendula Lady – Calendula is symbolic of passion, creativity and warmth.


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